It's such an important lesson all women learn sooner or later. Someone else's success doesn't take away from yours. It's actually a promise of your own. Other's success is like a wink and a nod from universe that the things you want do come, and that they can and will come to you too. Replace jealousy or envy with gratitude and joy for others when faced with their achievements and watch how yours too begin to grow.
The best thing helpers can do is model what they want to see. The way I try to do this is I practice what I preach. I can't talk (and charge!) clients about coping skills and self care, if I don't live that life myself. It'll be fake and my clients will know it. I gotta take care of myself before I tell anyone how to take care of themselves or their relationships.
I think about this message especially for parents. We talk a lot about the influence peers have on children, but I would say that parents hold an even bigger role. Parents are the ones teaching children about becoming an adult, about relationships, about what it means to be a man or a woman. It's the basis for all knowledge. The first seeds are planted at home as babies, and as those babies grow and gain other influences they still continually look back at their caregivers to orient themselves. I haven't met any parents who don't love their children and want them to shine. But I've met a lot of parents who don't always show it in the most constructive way. The best way to have your kids shine is for you to shine too. That's a message they'll get loud and clear every time. |
AuthorThis blog is less about my writing, and more about sharing inspiration. I'll post pictures, articles, and videos that I find interesting, moving, or just funny (funny being a loose term here as my humor is generally of the nerdy psychoanalytic variety). Categories
March 2020