In a continuation of this week's theme of rain- I found this gem and had to post. Honoring both is important. I can imagine some of you scrunching up your face in confusion. If the storm that we're talking about here would translate to struggle- why in the world would a therapist tell people to honor the struggle? To see beauty in the storm?
The fact is that the struggle-storm is the birth place of change and growth. With out that storm the rainbow isn't possible. I recently read the book Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis and Rachel framed this in a really simple and clear way. She wonders if instead of thinking that things are happening to you, what if you thought that things were happening for you. When I read it put that way I smiled. To me that is beautiful, and very worthy of honor. |
AuthorThis blog is less about my writing, and more about sharing inspiration. I'll post pictures, articles, and videos that I find interesting, moving, or just funny (funny being a loose term here as my humor is generally of the nerdy psychoanalytic variety). Categories
March 2020